Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Why I Vote: Nasty Purple Woman Preacher Speaks

This election cycle has left us all a little disillusioned an confused. And for the most part I have remained silent because there has just been so much to process and so much of it doesn't even seem real. I've thought of blogs I could write about race in this election, God in this election, or gender in this election but every time I try, I simply get tired.  

As tired as I am, I still voted and I indeed voted for Hillary. So beyond all of the sociological analysis, I simply want to tell you why I voted. So here is a quick lists for any one who might be wondering if they should: 

First and foremost, as a descendant of those who build the country but had to fight to vote,  I do indeed vote for the ancestors. 

I vote for those who are to come. 

I also vote for those of us who are here now.

I vote for the child who isn’t doing well in school because his single mother is facing deportation.

I vote for the black elders who are being triggered and re-traumatized by images of black people being punched and shoved for evoking their right to free speech at Trump rallies. 

I vote for the children who might be thinking to themselves that there is nothing wrong with bullying if a presidential candidate can do it. I vote for the children who are considering suicide because adulthood is no longer an escape from bullying.

I vote for all survivors of rape and incest. 

I vote for all of the “Nasty Women” who survived other peoples' attempts at shaming them for their spouse’s infidelity.  

I vote for all African Americans that know EXACTLY what we have to lose. 

I vote because I will not allow America's unwillingness and/or inability to deal with our collective racist knee jerk reaction to a black president kill MY country or lead my country in to Civil War II.

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