Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sacred Conversations on Race

How to Lead a Sacred Conversation on Race

Facilitated by Rev. Dominique C. Atchison (Aka Purple Rev.)

How do you hold a conversation about race from a faith base? The United Church of Christ has has developed the "Sacred Conversation on Race". For the past three years I have been working to develop curriculum that helps ordained and lay leaders find the best way to lead their congregations in these conversations. I am available to consult and facilitate a conversation and/or help church leadership develop a conversation that would best serve your faith community. I'm available to work with churches of all denominations.

Please contact me at for more information. 

Some clips from a previous training New York School of Ministry "A Sacred Conversation on Race:

Decoding Our Racialized Language

Ground Rule: Keep the Conversation on the Topic of Race

Realms of Racism: Thinking Beyond the Interpersonal

Live into the Discomfort for the Sake of the Process

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