Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sacred Conversations on Race

How to Lead a Sacred Conversation on Race

Facilitated by Rev. Dominique C. Atchison (Aka Purple Rev.)

How do you hold a conversation about race from a faith base? The United Church of Christ has has developed the "Sacred Conversation on Race". For the past three years I have been working to develop curriculum that helps ordained and lay leaders find the best way to lead their congregations in these conversations. I am available to consult and facilitate a conversation and/or help church leadership develop a conversation that would best serve your faith community. I'm available to work with churches of all denominations.

Please contact me at for more information. 

Some clips from a previous training New York School of Ministry "A Sacred Conversation on Race:

Decoding Our Racialized Language

Ground Rule: Keep the Conversation on the Topic of Race

Realms of Racism: Thinking Beyond the Interpersonal

Live into the Discomfort for the Sake of the Process

Monday, January 18, 2016

#StandwithBWG Vigil Litany

This weekend we had a prayer vigil at Brown Memorial Baptist Church in collaboration with the #StandwithBWG campaign:

#StandwithBWG Litany

written by Rev. Dominique C. Atchison 

Leader: God of all, we have come together today celebrating the life and ministry of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We gather honoring his legacy and the work he did to build your Beloved Community. We gather today specifically to honor Black Women and Girls, a segment of that Beloved Community whose struggles are often met with inaction and silence. Today we commit to giving voice and taking action on behalf of black women and girls.

All: We Stand with Black Women and Girls.

Leader: Creator God, as the world wakes up to the truth that Black Lives Matter, let us remember to be as intentional and active in our affirmation of the lives of black women and girls as we are about the lives of black men and boys.

All: We Stand with Black Women and Girls

Leader: God of our ancestors and elders, we come today standing on the shoulders of the mothers, grandmothers great grandmothers, aunties, women who were not related but who cared for us, warrior women, Civil Rights leaders, women of faith, women of hope, women who spirits and DNA we carry with us wherever we go.

All: We Stand with Black Women and Girls

Leader: God of our future we come today not shaming or judging but loving and affirming, our young women and girls, remembering that they are our present and our future. We also commit to leave this world a better place for the ones who are to come.

All: We Stand with Black Women and Girls.